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    WIPAG Deutschland GmbH

    Nördliche Grünauer Str. 31


    +49 8431 4336-0

    From formula development to expertise in the use of additives – at WIPAG, we have comprehensive knowledge of the compounding of plastics. Adjustment of material properties: filler content colour UV protection impact strength mould release ageing flowability odour improvement reduction in emissions Odours and emissions: important issues in the automobile industry We achieve TVOC reductions and improved odours through our new formula; this is especially advantageous for polyolefins which are now increasingly being used in vehicle interiors. A real-life example of targeted improvement of material properties The properties of polycarbonate blends such as PC/PET start to deteriorate as soon as the plastic is injected for the first time; the effects of this deterioration include a higher melt flow index and a reduction in notched impact strength. Using the right additives, the recycled material can, however, be restored to the quality level of new material.

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